Morning English #1

I attended a domestic conference last week. The conference's name is "Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers". It was better than I expected. I met one researcher who collaborated with our laboratory. He greets me with a big smile. And also I won the raffle. To get a ticket for that raffle, I had to roam around the booth. There is a lot of booth where many company promote their product or even recruit students. My presentation was ended successfully. In fact, it was the last presentation of my research project. So I had mixed feelings. I ate sushi with other students who were in different laboratories. The menu was a raw mackerel.

English class with ACE

Topic: Babies

I had a question-and-answer time.
What I have to caution about is.. 1) To sum it up 2) To summarize it all
My conclusion about speech is so weak.

New vocabularies

  • placenta [pləˈsentə]: 태반
  • Electra complex: 엘렉트라 콤플렉스(어린 여자아이가 아버지에게 무의식적으로 애정을 갖게 되는 현상
  • Oedipus complex: 오이디푸스 콤플렉스 (아들이 어머니를 독차지하고자 하는 욕망에 근거하여 아버지에게 질투를 느끼는 복합적인 감정)


  • If you had the power to travel back in time to the day you were born, what would you tell yourself?
  • If your son/daughter asked you what the perfect age to have a baby is, what would you say?
  • How would you react if your 20-year-old son/daughter told you that they were going to have a baby?