Prepared Speech

Title: Why we develop space technology

Is here anyone else who think that to develop space technology or to explore space is a waste of time and money? I believe that some of you may think that space exploration is waste of money.

But why are we spending billions of dollars to send things into outer space when we have so many problems down here on the ground? Three billion people, nearly half of all humans on the planet are living in poverty, and 62 million of those are little girls without access to an education.
So many problems to be focusing, and at the same time, we have KASA over here spending 1 trillion won a year.
and OK, fine, with that budget they conduct intense research which leads to breakthrough discoveries and technologies. But is that worth it?

And KASA and NASA in U.S.A are not the only one spending money on this venture. Elon Musck, the billionaire, genius behind Paypal and Tesla is now dedicating both his brain and his bank to space exploration. And Richard Branson, the man behind the Virgin empire, now has his own space tourism company, Virgin Galactic, which is selling rides into outer space.

In our country, many company invest their budget to develop satellite and launch service using the data collected in the space. And there is one plan to conduct a experiment in the space. There are many reason why we develop space technologies. So I bring three reason why we develop space technology.

First, space technology can help a problem of the digital divide. There are many region where people cannot use internet so they can only access limited information. British company One-Web and American Company Starlink are now provides the space internet service.

Second, Space technology is closely related with national defense power. A number of traditional weapons such as tank or army are important. But the game changer of the modern war is high-end weapon like hypersonic cruise missle which fly the speed of more than five times of speed of sound. And to construct defense system against those kind of missile satelite and communication technology is cruicial. There are space force in U.S.A and Russia. Their purpose is to protect themself in the space of universe. So the space is another territory.

The last, Space technology will have a positive effect of job creation. Imagine that if you want to business using an image obtained in satellite. To launch satelite, we need a launch system like rocket. And to capture high resolution image, we need a camera. And also we need a communication technology to deliver image to the Earth. Can you imagine how many technoloy is needed to get this one image from the satelie? So space technilogy has a potential to coorpirate with other countries. Each elemental technology of one system is quite challenging. 우주시장은 또 다른 시장이다. 많은 잠재력이 있고, 많은 나라에서 주시하고 있다.

Yes. developing space technology is not urgent matter now. But it takes a long time to develop one technology and it has a great ripple effect in many aspects like politics, economy and industry. This is a not urgent but important matter I think. And I want you to have a time of imagination of life change in the future with extension our life to the space.