Toastmaster President Script

Are you a president of your Toastmasters club?
Let me share my script for you to practice for the opening session of your Toastmasters meeting.

Good afternoon, fellow toastmasters and esteemed guests! Welcome to Itaewon Toastmasters Club!
I am president Minsul Lee. It is my privilege(honor) to open today's meeting. Today, It is 175 hybrid meeting. Before we start, I would like to extend our greeting by introducing our guests. If I call your name, please introduce yourself, your name, what brought you to our club, etc. I would like to call ___. It is her second visit to our club, but most of us don't know who you are, So could you introduce your self?

  1. guest introduction
  2. recitation of club mission.

I would like to introduce our toastmaster of the afternoon, who is ____ member of our club, ___.
Welcome ___ with a big applause of hand!