Why I started Toastmasters Club?

Why I started Toastmasters Club?

One of my goal is to learn English. And I decided to study English communication. I think most of you already know that we all have been learned English in school since very young. However, I seldom have used English in communication or even reading since I learned English. I always long to study more practical English. Furthermore, I had to get a certain upper score in English examination such as TOEIC, TOEIC Speaking, OPIc. I took a TOEIC exam. When I looked back in my past, I always study English as a study subject. But I haven't had any opportunities to use English in my daily life. Yes. It is somehow my fault because I could use English by reading English books or watching English news, etc.

I finally started to learn English communication when I graduated my Master's degree. One of my colleague in my laboratory introduce English teacher. And I have took that class until now. English teacher suggested me that It could be better if I use English more. In addition, He is the one who introduced me Toastmasters Club!

I searched the proper club where I can join via ZOOM and on Sunday. Eventually, I found one Toastmasters Club, which name is "Itaewon Toastmasters Club"

At first, I was very nervous and I didn't know what to do, and how to speak well. Nonetheless, I joined that club regularly because there are so many members who supports and cheer me up. I was really motivated by them. Now, I am a president of Itaewon Toastmasteres Club. In the Toastmasteres meeting, I can learn not only English speaking skills, but also leadership and public speaking skills!!

I will post my toastmaster journey in this blog.